Sunday, February 27, 2011


Yesterday was a lot of fun, we went out with my closest friends from high school, watched a movie, drank some coffee, and SAW IT SNOW IN BURBANK! Some were calling it hail, but from ky experience, hail look like little balls of ice, and this was flakes of ice.  I'm going to call it snow. :)

Today, it's a beautiful day in Los Angeles, as if the thunder storm and snow didn't happen yesterday.

Tomorrow, I'll be shoe shopping for running shoes with Kathy.  I know, this really is a new beginning for me.  But for once in my life, I'd like to wake up skinny and go to bed skinny. Lol. So, I guess the only way to do that is to control it by exercising..

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Had dinner with our friends tonight. A good time as usual... :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Things I Want to Do in 2011 (so far)

Self Improvement

  1. Work Out.
  2. Write on a regular basis.
  3. Take lots of pictures.
  4. Read at least 10 books.
  5. Make myself at least one wearable item.
  6. Make someone else at least one wearable item.


  1. On a road trip.
  2. On an airplane to somewhere. Anywhere.
  3. To a theme park.
  4. Camping.
  5. To at least 2 museums.


  1. How to use power tools/build things.
  2. Upholstery.
  3. More about sewing and patternmaking.
  4. How to cut men's hair.
  5. More about marketing.


  1. New website.
  2. Reach out to more people.
  3. Get into at least 2 more retail stores.
  4. Be published in a magazine or major blog.
  5. Participate in at least 3 craft shows.
  6. Expand the product line.


I think I have a moment everyday where I just want to get up and start doing something. In fact, it probably happens more than once throughout the day. But I always find excuses for myself not to do something. Ugh. (At least I'm recognizing the problem here... So stop waving your judgement finger at me.)

Excuses don't seem like a bad thing until you realize what they really are. They're just reasons you believe to be valid to talk you out of doing something. I know them very well. I come up with one to counter everything I want to do. "I want to one day make a blah blah blah that looks like so and so" I get all excited and then I immediately think to myself, "Okay fine, but where are you going to do this? Where will you get the money? Who would want that? I don't know enough to even get started in that." I seriously hate that little negative b*tch that lives inside of me.. lol. There's a very thick line between excuses and being realistic.

I think the worst part about it is that I've already proven to myself that I can do whatever I put my mind and hard work to... Janie XY has proven that over and over again in such a short amount of time. I looked back to how I got started in it, and I realized that it happened so fast, I didn't have time to let Negative Jane come out and talk me out of doing it. I made a toy, listed it on Etsy and went from there.

It always seems scary to start doing something on your own, but I'm now starting to realize that I'll never get anywhere if I keep procrastinating and making excuses for myself and most importantly, never take a chance. The worst thing that could happen when you take a chance is that you fail. But it's not the end of the world, unless what you're doing actually involves the fate of the world... Chances are, it won't.

So here's what I have to say to you (and this will get cheesy). If you think of something, act upon it. (Obviously, bad acts like murder, combovers, and other illegal activities shouldn't be included here.) If you want to pursue a career path but don't think you can do it. You most likely can. If you thought of an idea and how to make it happen, then you're already half way there. Don't make excuses for why this won't work... Just do it already!

Word of the Day: Ternion

ternion [tur-nee-uhn] noun : a set or group of three; triad

Example sentence: That ternion of kindergarteners just stole my wallet.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I need to learn how to paint..

And draw.


I know you all have so many questions. Especially about a blog that is about 2 hours old. So here I am, answering those pressing questions! You're welcome.

1. Why are you using a lame template for your blog?

Since I'm keeping things simple this time around, I figured that I should also keep my blog simple. No fancy bells and whistles. Not yet anyway. I won't promise anything because I may find an amazing app or layout or widget or whatever you call things that take up space on your blog and I may just feel the need to glam it up. Who knows. I don't.

For now, I'm going with the template. Who has the time or energy to deal with CSS coding and creating background images or custom fonts? (Can you do that? I'm sure you can. Last week, two humans battled a computer on Jeopardy--anything is possible.) Well I certainly don't. Not today anyway.

Plus, I figured, if I set books as my background, you will assume that I read.

2. Why do you look the way you do.

My mother is Thai and my father is Filipino. They're both very attractive people and I always wondered to myself (and anyone that would listen--that's you out there) why I don't look like either of them. I'm not saying that I think I'm ugly, I just don't know where I get my physical traits from. So to answer your question, I don't know either.

3. How can you already have an FAQ post when your blog has only been up for a tiny, tiny fraction of the day.

Why aren't there purple gummy bears? Why do people in LA drive the way they do when it rains? These are questions beyond simple answers. So let's just let it be.

4. What can I expect to read about on this new blog of yours?

You can expect to read about what goes on in my mind. If a reader, like yourself, has a question, I can do my best to answer it. If you have a dream, I can interpret it.* (I'm a certified dream interpreter. I just declared it today.) I suppose the best answer is to not expect anything other than me. I don't even know what to expect.

5. Why do you have an obsession with food?

Okay, first of all. Who can't relate to food? Well not being food, but the subject of it. I see food everywhere I look. In the clouds, in toys, and even in food. I mean, there's not one person that won't understand a hot dog or ice cream reference. Everyone knows what it is. And don't be a smart ass and tell me that people in rural Africa wouldn't know because they do. What do you think they eat while they watch baseball games? Well? That's what I thought.

6. Why don't you proofread your posts?

Because, contrary to my blog background picture. I don't enjoy reading. Not my own posts anyway. Proofreading forces one to second guess their thoughts. Would you ask a teenage girl (or boy--no judgement here) to proofread their diary? Well, my dad did. But that's another story. The point is, you wouldn't. What I write is what I feel at the time and there's no proofreading your thoughts. And now I'm going to post this....

*For a fee of $29.95 per thought. Shipping and handling are not included.

A New Beginning (again)

Here I am. A serial blogger. I know what you're thinking. "Really Jane? Another blog?" Well, yes.

This time, I'm going back to my roots of blogging. Going passed the failed attempts of making blogging a full time career that generates loads of monetary gifts and has hysterical fans who live and breathe every word I write. (Ok, maybe that wasn't my goal with the other blogs, but if it happened, I wouldn't deny the public of their demands.) We're going back to when blogging was a fun non-profit organization--as in me, being organized and writing on a normal basis. Just doing my thang.

For Lent 2011 (like how I billed it as an exciting event by simply adding a year to the end of it? Try it for your upcoming happenings and see how it transforms it for just $0.) I decided to be a little more positive. Whenever I think a bad thought, I stop it before its venom takes a hold of my nervous system and replace it with a positive one. It's my "test of optimism".

I know I'm an optimist at heart. Somehow, in the mix of trying to be an adult, I've lost touch with my pure and utter randomness that my friends and family know me for and with it, my optimism. Suddenly, everything is about making it big and getting that promotion when it should be about enjoying nights and weekends. Or dare I say it? Work.

I have a fun job. I work with fun people. I come home to an awesome family, group of supportive friends, and amazing boyfriend. What's there to be upset about?

So here's to you optimism. I'm calling shotgun on your behalf in my car of life. And we're just going to keep driving for the hell of it. Dispite those rising gas prices.