Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I think I have a moment everyday where I just want to get up and start doing something. In fact, it probably happens more than once throughout the day. But I always find excuses for myself not to do something. Ugh. (At least I'm recognizing the problem here... So stop waving your judgement finger at me.)

Excuses don't seem like a bad thing until you realize what they really are. They're just reasons you believe to be valid to talk you out of doing something. I know them very well. I come up with one to counter everything I want to do. "I want to one day make a blah blah blah that looks like so and so" I get all excited and then I immediately think to myself, "Okay fine, but where are you going to do this? Where will you get the money? Who would want that? I don't know enough to even get started in that." I seriously hate that little negative b*tch that lives inside of me.. lol. There's a very thick line between excuses and being realistic.

I think the worst part about it is that I've already proven to myself that I can do whatever I put my mind and hard work to... Janie XY has proven that over and over again in such a short amount of time. I looked back to how I got started in it, and I realized that it happened so fast, I didn't have time to let Negative Jane come out and talk me out of doing it. I made a toy, listed it on Etsy and went from there.

It always seems scary to start doing something on your own, but I'm now starting to realize that I'll never get anywhere if I keep procrastinating and making excuses for myself and most importantly, never take a chance. The worst thing that could happen when you take a chance is that you fail. But it's not the end of the world, unless what you're doing actually involves the fate of the world... Chances are, it won't.

So here's what I have to say to you (and this will get cheesy). If you think of something, act upon it. (Obviously, bad acts like murder, combovers, and other illegal activities shouldn't be included here.) If you want to pursue a career path but don't think you can do it. You most likely can. If you thought of an idea and how to make it happen, then you're already half way there. Don't make excuses for why this won't work... Just do it already!

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